Episode 122: An introvert's perspective on facilitation with Tony Brazelton

Listen to this episode from First Time Facilitator on Spotify. Tony Brazelton is a biochemist, a manager of projects, a manager of people, a process improvement consultant, a change management consultant, and now a corporate trainer and management and leadership consultant. He loves to design and deliver learning experiences to help people be excellent-to each other.

Tony Brazelton is a biochemist, a manager of projects, a manager of people, a process improvement consultant, a change  management consultant, and now a corporate trainer and management and leadership consultant.

He loves to design and deliver learning experiences to help people be excellent—to each other. 

In our conversation this week, he shares an introvert’s perspective on facilitation (as well as some smart workarounds for small talk!).  We also discuss his pre-workshop preparation and how important it is to get centred. 

During this time, Tony has also been helping his colleagues feel comfortable with online meetings, and in this conversation he shares how he’s assisting them with jumping over those online engagement barriers.

Tony provides training and consulting on leadership, communication, change management, coaching and personal development. These are the universal skills that accelerate your performance at work, at home, and in life. He also creates human-centered communications with video, in print, or on the web.

In this episode Tony and I talked about the gift we give to other people and how we accept the gift given to us too. How we can reduce the barriers of online engagement and adapting to the new normal, moving from face to face facilitation to online facilitation. 

Resources mentioned:


  • “When people give you a moment, it’s a gift.”

  • “I realized I needed to do what I love to do in workshops which is to create a space where people feel safe sharing their true self.”

  • “I want to be the provider of energy to the participants.”

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