Episode 121: How reframing a question saved a team building event (and the day!) with Yoke van Dam


Listen to this episode from First Time Facilitator on Spotify. Specialising in neuro linguistic programming, Yoke van Dam trains and coaches business leaders, executives, sales teams and individual staff members the tangible skills that can deliver the outcomes they want. She also presents keynotes in corporate and other settings to bring about positive change.

Specialising in neuro linguistic programming, Yoke trains and coaches business leaders, executives, sales teams and individual staff members the tangible skills that can deliver the outcomes they want. She also presents keynotes in corporate and other settings to bring about positive change.

[side note from Leanne: Listen to her enthusiasm in this conversation, its contagious!!]

Her training specialties include sales, persuasion, presentation and emotional intelligence. She balances theory with practical solutions, and is highly adept at engaging her audience to be active participants in the development of these solutions so that they own them and want to make them work. 

About today’s guest: Yoke van Dam

Yoke van Dam is a catalyst for change, whether in a person, team or an entire company. She is a qualified behavioural change and leadership coach, public speaker, facilitator, trainer and sales consultant with more than 16 years’ experience.

She has done several thousand hours of training and presentation to clients as diverse as sales executives, business leaders and owners, customer service agents, marketers, lawyers, engineers and accountants.

The industries she has covered range from automotive, retail, manufacturing and engineering to advertising, publishing, legal and academic.

Yoke has written for Entrepreneur magazine and contributes articles on emotional intelligence to the Female Entrepreneurship Collective.  The video of her talk at Disrupt HR in Sandton, Johannesburg, in August 2018 became the most watched worldwide in the two weeks following the event. She is often interviewed on Mix FM and Radio Today.

Yoke has 10 years consultative sales experience working for Oxford Publishers, Pearson and Entrepreneur magazine. Additionally, she trained the national sales team for Auto Trader, Commercial Trader, Auto Fuzion, Bikes and Corporate Sales. She developed team-building and staff dynamics workshops for Auto Trader and various companies. With her passion she founded Y-Connect in 2017.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why language and how we phrase things is so important (in terms of what the brain taps into and what words we hear, what words we tend to discard as well)

  • How we can get PR opportunities to build our brand and business

  • Yoke's story on how she used her NLP superpower to save a team building event

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Quotes of the episode:

  • “People find more value from what people say about you, than you say about yourself”

  • “Facilitation is about setting clear expectations and meeting the outcome.”

  • “See what’s available, go for it and make it the best possible.”

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