Virtually Possible


Doors are now closed!

What you'll get:

  • Learn: Video course content drip-fed to you, to avoid overwhelm. We know you're busy. No video will go for longer than 10mins.

  • Play: Weekly sandpit/practice session live calls, where you get to test your tech and your ideas with other VPs. We will do our best to accommodate time-zones (the good news is Leanne is an early-bird, Joeri is a night-owl!)

  • Connect: You'll be surrounded by incredible people around the world in the Virtually Possible community, who want to fight against average online experiences. This community is hosted on the platform, giving us the opportunity to setup different channels and topics for deeper conversations.

Key dates

  • General enrolment: 25 July - 5 August 

  • The Virtually Possible community opens on Friday 7 August 

  • Video course content delivered to you between Friday 14 August - Friday 4 September.

  • Weekly sandpit/practice sessions

What's this program about?

This program is designed to get you to overcome the main barriers to virtual facilitation, so you come out swinging and blow your clients’ minds. No more horrible, soul-crushing meetings that suck the life out of everyone, don’t deliver outcomes and leave participants thinking “That was 3 hours of my life I am never getting back”.

We believe there are three key elements:

1. Bust that mindset bubble: Moving from impossible to possible.

You may be holding onto the same framework and thinking you can move what you do in-person, and put the same thing online. So to overcome this and see the possibilities virtually, we need to reboot! In this module, we'll help you break down your ideas on what you can achieve online and help you build some new beliefs around the opportunities. 

2: Original design (no more "Two truths and a lie")

This one is all about getting better at defining results and output, so you can design better approaches. It's about rethinking your solution. Instead of jumping into, "We need a Zoom call", it's about reconsidering: What's the solution here?

By getting clear on your outcomes, you can formulate a path to get there.  A virtual workshop could be one method but there are many ways to Rome…In this module, we'll share other virtual learning alternatives, activities and tools you can use to hit your/your client's outcomes.

3. Tech DJ your own show

You now need the technical skills to deliver that. These could be in terms of how to use the digital tools available, but also skills and tools on how to engage everyone, how to capture output, and even how to elicit answers - particularly when you are not in the same space.

This program is for you if:

  • You like to go the extra mile for your clients and participants: You're not happy delivering average quality virtual workshops: 

  • You believe collaboration > competition and enjoy learning from other people's experiences, as well as sharing your own lessons learnt

  • You enjoy practising and trying things out before you go live with a client - and you want a community to help you do that.

  • When you hear a new idea, or something a little different - you approach it with curiosity (you don't scamper away and reject it)

Your guides

Joeri Schilders

After having lived in the US, UK and China for almost half his life, Joeri set up The Magic Sauce in Singapore in 2013. Over the past decade and a bit, he has worked on numerous challenges spanning from new product development across Asian emerging markets, digitising traditional manufacturing in Europe, to building systemic innovation cultures around the globe.

He has been in Asia for more than 20 years and spends most of his time designing and facilitating innovation & co-creation.

Joeri did not go to the University of Innovation.

Instead he brings real stories, tough lessons, tools and tricks learned from running over 100 big and small innovation projects over the past decade, working with some of the coolest industries and businesses. 

Leanne Hughes

Leanne Hughes is an international facilitator, speaker and coach who loves creating unpredictable workshop experiences, that predictably work.

She combines her experience in Marketing, with her education in Human Resources and Psychology, to help leaders create engaging everyday experiences - that are so contagious they scale across teams, functions and regions.

Leanne has facilitated leadership, onboarding and team-development workshops across Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Singapore and most recently, coached executives in Singapore and India on ways to refine their virtual workshops. 

She’s the host of the First Time Facilitator podcast and was a finalist in the 2018 Australian Learning Impact awards for Learning Professional of the Year.

Contact details

Send Leanne an email if you have any questions about the program.


What People Are Saying:

“It's actually quite hard to pick but Leanne, you gave so many tools and tips that I can pick up and use immediately (or almost immediately). I'm really impressed by the amount of things (especially reflecting on how much content there was in 5 sessions) that fit into that category. You were able to dissect all the components of facilitating and a deep/meaningful way that was also really easy to understand. I like the way you present: - it's very friendly, outgoing and welcoming for people to comment and contribute - able to get through a large amount of content while still using interactive and engaging strategies. It makes me want to be there for the live presentation, but I know I can go back and watch the recording to get even more out of it. ”

Richard Breen

“If you facilitate workshops you owe it to your audience to give them the best experience you can. Working with Leanne will hands down help you achieve this! ”

Sally Prosser

Webinar: 5 ways to up the energy in your virtual meetings (by being a bit lazy)

Wow! What a thrill it was delivering this webinar. We had planned a live-stream into YouTube, and had practised with a neat tool, rehearsing some interactive moments, cool overlays and more… but when it came to hitting that “Go Live” button, a series of error messages appeared on the screen! First tip for virtual presentations: Always have a Plan B backup room!

The recording is below, there’s a bit of small talk as we wait for you to jump into the second room.

Grab the slides and handouts

Joeri put together an awesome wrap-up with notes and slides - you can grab that here!