3/7: What I wish I knew when I started my facilitation business

Listen to this episode from First Time Facilitator on Spotify. For the next 7 days, in the lead-up to an epic podcast collaboration episode, I'm releasing a tip every day on the podcast, sharing with you things I wish I knew before I started my facilitation business.

I made the mistake of thinking running my solopreneur business, required the same mindset as working in corporate: Have a plan, work the plan. I was wrong. There are massive advantages of being a sole operator which I share in today’s minisode.

For the next 7 days, in the lead-up to an epic podcast collaboration episode, I’m releasing a tip every day on the podcast, sharing with you things I wish I knew before I started my facilitation business.

This is also your invitation to join as a founding member of my private community, Show.Up (doors open for a week).

Show.Up is a  community for consultants, facilitators and trainers who want to score amazing opportunities (but don’t know how to market themselves with ease...yet!)


4/7: What I wish I knew when I started my facilitation business


2/7: What I wish I knew when I started my facilitation business