FTF228: On Air with Sophie Scott: Broadcast Journalism Techniques, and Emotional Regulation for Workshop Success

In today's episode, we explore the intricate emotions that facilitators experience right before a workshop – a whirlwind of excitement, nerves, and anticipation.

My guest today is the award-winning TV journalist from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sophie Scott OAM. Sophie's multi-faceted career has transitioned her from a household face on TV to a well-renowned speaker and educator, with a prime focus on mental health.

Dive into our conversation as we unravel Sophie's personal journey, discover her pre-workshop routines, and delve deep into her experience with burnout. It's a candid, open conversation about the realities of mental well-being, the importance of self-care, and the pivotal role that authentic communication plays in our lives.

What You Will Learn:

  • Sophie's transition from a journalist to an advocate for mental well-being and a sought-after speaker.

  • The personal story of Sophie's encounter with burnout, which she faced while in the public eye.

  • The "Spotlight Effect" – A mechanism to center oneself and focus on the audience while facilitating.

  • Embracing Discomfort Outside of Comfort Zone: Recognizing the value of feeling uncomfortable when stepping into unfamiliar territory, as this can lead to growth.

  • Physical Reactions to Anxiety: Even when well-prepared, your body might still show signs of anxiety, but recognizing these signs and continuing to move forward can be beneficial.

  • Facilitation vs. Journalism: Both roles involve extracting information and insight, and the techniques used in journalism can apply to facilitation.

  • Tips and ideas on how to host engaging panels or events.

Quotes from the episode:

  • "You want to always make it about the audience and not about you."

  • "When you're feeling burnt out, the last thing you want to think about is adding more things to your to-do list."

  • "It's actually part of the process of growth is to step into those feelings where you do feel uncomfortable because that's how we grow."

  • "No one would have any idea. And it's the same if you're standing up to do facilitating, you know, whether you've done it once or 100 times, if you're nervous or anxious, the audience will not know."

About Sophie Scott OAM

In addition to an extensive career as an award-winning medical TV journalist for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sophie is a professional speaker and educator with expertise in mental health.

She has an extensive presence on social media, has been an invited speaker at the World Congress on Positive Psychology, has written two books (Live a Longer Life (ABC Books) and RoadTesting Happiness (Harper Collins), and has won major awards for her journalism and medical reporting including a prestigious Eureka Award

She is an Advisory Board Member of the Australian National Mental Health Prize and sits on the advisory board on stigma at Australia’s National Mental Health Commission and the University of Melbourne’s Contemplative Studies Centre.

She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Notre Dame University Medical School lecturing in science communication.

Sophie’s mission is to help people help themselves, using evidence-based science and her own personal journey.

She is an ambassador for Bowel Cancer Australia, Pain Australia and is a patient reviewer for the British Medical Journal.

Sophie is a highly sought-after keynote speaker on topics such as preventing burnout, managing your mental well-being during times of change, the science of high-performance habits, and how to use neuroscience to stick to new habits and overcome unwanted ones.

Her talks and workshops help people take better care of their mental health through science-backed techniques so they can build emotional resilience, maximise their potential and thrive at work and at home.

Links and Resources:


FTF229: Dancing with Workshop Disruption with Jeff Skipper


FTF227: Workshops that Deliver: Focusing on What Truly Matters with Brendon Baker