FTF 224: Rethinking Your Workshop Strategy: Lessons from the Mall with Sally Porteous

In today's episode, I’m delighted to welcome Sally Porteous, the esteemed Managing Director of a renowned event production company. Sally has a wealth of knowledge to share on how to lead transformative workshops and captivating events. Her experience offers a fascinating glimpse into the surprising parallels that exist within these arenas.

Sally will walk us through her unique journey into the vibrant world of event management, a journey that was as much about self-discovery as it was about realizing her inherent strengths and discovering her 'zone of genius'. She shares compelling anecdotes that illustrate how natural talents can often be things that others find challenging.

We'll be diving deep into the art of setting up the perfect environment for your events and workshops right from the get-go. Sally will share some unusual sources of inspiration, including the simple act of observing interactions at shopping centers or malls. Her perspectives will certainly open up new ways of thinking about event planning.

This episode is packed with valuable insights from Sally. She will share a set of powerful closing questions for your workshops that not only ease your workload but also ensure that participants fully engage with and remember the content. It's all about fostering a sense of co-creation.

About today’s guest

Sally Porteous is Managing Director of event production company Red Lanyard, where she produces festivals, conferences, events and meetings. She is the creator of the Event Planners Workshop, a series of training, coaching and mentoring products to bridge the gap between accredited education and learn-by-doing. She also coordinates and facilitates The Event Managers Network, a membership that connects, supports and networks suppliers and event managers.

Links and Resources:

Your invitation: The 4-Week Workshop Sprint

Let’s spend four weeks together, going beyond the pages of The 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint to make your workshop the best, damn, thing ever, and something you’re incredibly proud to showcase, host, and share with the world.

This is a live program starting on the 7th of August, 2023, limited to 16 people, where Leanne offers personalised support and feedback for your program, to get you producing great workshops, with a bit of x-factor thrown in!

Find out more about The 4-Week Workshop Sprint


FTF225: World-Class Speaking Dreams: My Pre-Conference Anticipation with Leanne Hughes


FTF 223: Energy Is the Currency of What We Do with Andrew Hollo