Episode 130: Taking you back-stage: How to find a collaboration buddy and facilitate a solution with Leanne Hughes

On this weeks’ show, I’m taking you backstage!

If you’ve been listening for a few weeks, you’ll hear that I’m collaborating with Joeri “The Magic Sauce” Schilders on a project called Virtually Possible.

We started chatting in early June and we’re really close to launching this new program! In this episode, I share my perspective on the collaboration process, and how you can facilitate a collaborative project with a) Someone you barely know, who b) Lives in another country.

We haven’t done things the traditional way: We don’t use emails to communicate at all!

I’d love this episode to inspire you to consider: Is there someone in this beautiful world who you could collaborate with on a problem? 

Collaboration is great for so many reasons - surprisingly, it’s also great for building your self-awareness.

I also share how you can identify a collaboration partner (hint: Look for someone who’s better than you at certain things!), how you can establish communication protocols and roles that play to your strengths, and the format for our sprint/work sessions last week.

Join us live!

Joeri and I are live-streaming onto YouTube later this week, sharing 5 ways you can ramp up the energy in virtual meetings (by being a little bit lazy). We’d love you to join in!

Click here to register (can’t make it live? We’ll email you the link!)

Resources mentioned in this show

About your host: Leanne Hughes

Leanne Hughes is an international facilitator, speaker and coach who loves creating unpredictable workshop experiences, that predictably work.

She combines her experience in Marketing, with her education in Human Resources and Psychology, to help leaders create engaging everyday experiences - that are so contagious they scale across teams, functions and regions.

Leanne has facilitated leadership, onboarding and team-development workshops across Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Singapore and believes in a strengths-centred approach to learning and development.  She has over 13 years’ of experience across a range of industries including mining, government and tourism sectors.

She’s the host of the First Time Facilitator podcast and was a finalist in the 2018 Australian Learning Impact awards for Learning Professional of the Year.

Waitlist: Virtually Possible


Virtually Possible is coming soon.

Also, you’ve heard it here first! Joeri from The Magic Sauce and I are collaborating on a program called Virtually Possible.  

Sign up to the Virtually Possible wait list and join the movement

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Grab my cheat sheet:

The 5 unpredictable ways to start a Zoom meeting (that predictably work)


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