Episode 188: Be a fearless facilitator (and ignore your feedback forms) with Alan Weiss


About a year ago, I had a conversation that completely changed the way that I viewed my facilitation business. That conversation was with today’s guest, Alan Weiss, the Rockstar of Consulting (by the way, here’s the link to listen to Episode 128: Stop being so afraid: Nobody wants a humble consultant (and other truth bombs).

Not only did that interview resonate with me, it resonated with many of you, so I had to invite Alan back on the show for an encore performance.

Last year’s interview was a real watershed moment for me. Since then, I’ve been really adjusting, rehsapring, rethinking the way I work, and also focusing on my mindset… trying to be more fearless!

I’ve also been working with Alan 1:1 and in a group mastermind.

In this conversation, members of the Booked Out Facilitator program were my co-hosts, and jumped in to ask Alan questions about every aspect of building our facilitation businesses. I enjoyed being a lazy faciltator on this call and letting the brilliance of the Booked Out Faciliators take over the microphone.

In this conversation (which is like a group coaching call!), we pick Alan’s brain on:

  • How to 10 x your fee

  • What to do with feedback - the answer may surprise you

  • What we can do everyday to build our self worth

  • Free or fee? Should we charge for our webinars and information sessions (or not)?

  • How to reach true, economic buyers in organisations

  • How much research you should do before contacting a buyer

  • …and much, much more.

Underpinning all of Alan’s responses is a philosophy of being fearless - of tooting your own horn, and of leaping into action.

I’d like to thank my co-presenters:

  • Prina Shah

  • Jade Goulding 

  • Melanie Loy

  • Yoke Van Dam

  • Tricia Conyers

  • Joshua Soon

  • Joel Birch

  • Gwenael Mouthay

  • Lena Nasaikou 

  • Gosia Syta

This program has come to an informal close, we had the “not a closing ceremony call” last week, and I’m excited to start sharing more info on the next upcoming program. If you’re curious, check out bookedoutfaciliator.com

About our guest: Alan Weiss

Alan Weiss is the rockstar of consulting. Marshall Goldsmith once called him “The finest entrepreneurial coach in the world.

His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients such as Merck, Hewlett-Packard, GE, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, and over 500 other leading organizations. 

His Ph.D. is in psychology. 

He is an inductee into the Professional Speaking Hall of Fame® and the concurrent recipient of the National Speakers Association Council of Peers Award of Excellence, representing the top 1% of professional speakers in the world. 

His prolific publishing includes over 500 articles and 60 books, including his best-seller, Million Dollar Consulting (from McGraw-Hill) which is one of my faves.

I also love Million Dollar Maverick and his ebook, The Martial Arts of language.

Contact with Alan on all of the platforms

Reach out to Alan - he LOVES hearing from you. Join him on social media - Twitter, LinkedIn - thats the reason he came back, he got some tremendous feedback from his last show.

Watch the interview with Alan Weiss

About your host: Leanne Hughes

Leanne Hughes is a trusted advisor, international facilitator, speaker and coach who loves creating unpredictable workshop experiences, that predictably work.

She combines her experience in Marketing, with her education in Human Resources and Psychology, to help leaders create engaging everyday experiences - that are so contagious they scale across teams, functions and regions.

Leanne has facilitated leadership, onboarding and team-development workshops across Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, and Singapore and believes in a strengths-centred approach to learning and development.  She has over 14 years’ of experience across a range of industries including mining, government and tourism sectors.

She’s the host of the First Time Facilitator podcast and was a finalist in the 2018 Australian Learning Impact awards for Learning Professional of the Year.


Episode 189: No one watches your webinar replays! 7 reasons your program and business needs a private podcast with Leanne Hughes


Episode 187: Tuning your “facilitation antenna” in to manage group dynamics with Lisa Evans